x Bitcoin Apex


With the limited Nerdminer edition you have the chance to win 1 of 21 Nerdminers with the inscription “Forge Blocks, not Bullets” along with a hand-signed piece of art by artist Bitcoin Apex called “Peacemaker”.


You can connect the Nerdminer to a power outlet using a USB power adapter and even run it on your laptop since it requires so little power. It works just as well with a small solar panel if you want to “mine” with renewable energy sources.

“Keep it Simple for everyone” is the motto. The Nerdminer is preinstalled. After you place your order, you will receive instructions on how to be ready to mine in just a few minutes and 4 simple steps.

At 1.55 watts, the Nerdminer uses less than a light bulb.

As soon as you plug the Nerdminer back in, it will automatically connect to the WiFi you specified. If you change your WiFi, you can easily reset it.

Block Templates ”: Number of different blocks attempted to confirm
KH/s ”: Current hashing speed in 1000/s
Million Hashes ”: Total number of hashes tested
" Valid Blocks ": Number of blockers found. If a block is found, the block reward of 6.25 BTC will be paid out to your stored Bitcoin address
Current Block ”: Describes the height of the current block in the Bitcoin blockchain
EH/s ”: Describes the current hashrate of the entire Bitcoin network
Difficulty ”: The Bitcoin Mining Difficulty indicates the level of difficulty in Bitcoin mining. This means that you can use the mining difficulty to determine how complex it is to calculate a new Bitcoin block
Blocks ”: Describes the number of blocks until the next Bitcoin Halving in 2024
" 16 Bits Share" and "32 Bits Share ":
A 16 bits share is a hash that begins with 00".
A 32 bit share is a hash starting with 0000"
This is a current hash from block 800775:
" Best Difficulty ": The Nerdminer generates hashes with a certain number of leading zeros. The Best Difficulty value shows you what difficulty your best hash to date corresponds to
" Medium Fee ": This is the average transaction cost of sending a Bitcoin transaction at the respective time. The more storage space a transaction requires, the more expensive it is. For this reason it is measured in virtual bytes

The following link will take you directly to the Nerdminer Pool:

First of all, we would like to say a big thank you to BitMaker, the developer of the open source software used for Nerdminer. Without him such a project would not be possible.

We at have made it our mission to ensure that anyone who wants to can become a Bitcoin miner through Nerdminer. For this it was important to develop a pre-installed and easy-to-use product. We have succeeded in this and this is rounded off by our customer service. The Nerdminer manages to explain a digital, often intangible product like Bitcoin in a playful way through learning by doing. In addition, the fun factor is guaranteed! :). is a small start-up that is always based on customer feedback in order to become even better step by step. We thank each and every person for supporting this project. As a team, we do everything we can to always offer you the greatest added value and look forward to the future together.