Bitcoin Privacy vor Gericht: Erste Gerichtsverhandlung der Samourai Entwickler

Bitcoin Privacy in court: First court hearing of the Samourai developers

Legal proceedings against developers of Samourai Wallet

The first legal proceedings against Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill, the developers of Samourai Wallet, are underway in the Southern District of New York. The Department of Justice is charging them with money laundering and operating an unlicensed money transmission business.

Procedural progress and discovery

The prosecution is ready to proceed with the case and is now reaching the stage where it will exchange evidence with the defense. This process is called "discovery." Data from Rodriguez's electronic devices is currently being processed. He is expected to hand over a 2 terabyte hard drive that could contain important information.

Defense and legal argumentation

Rodriguez's defense is prepared to request that the charges be dismissed, citing a letter from U.S. Senators Cynthia Lummis and Ron Wyden to Attorney General Merrick Garland. The senators argue that non-custodial crypto software platforms like Samourai Wallet should not be classified as money transfer services because users retain direct control over their crypto assets.

Judicial decision and house arrest

In Rodriguez's case, the judge ruled that he will remain under house arrest until the next court session on September 4, 2024. Further developments are expected as both legal parties prepare for the upcoming trial and the debate over the legal treatment of non-custodial crypto services continues.

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