Block ermöglicht Millionen von Square-Verkäufern, Verkäufe mit Cash App in Bitcoin zu konvertieren.

Block enables millions of Square sellers to convert Cash App sales into Bitcoin.

Block introduces Bitcoin conversions

Block has launched Bitcoin Conversions, allowing Square sellers to automatically convert a portion of their daily sales into Bitcoin via Cash App.

This feature allows US Square sellers to allocate 1-10% of their end-of-day sales to purchase Bitcoin, with complete control over their Bitcoin holdings.

This service is available for a flat fee of 1% per conversion. Block sees Bitcoin as a means of economic empowerment and reflects positive feedback from sellers eager to use Bitcoin to save and diversify their business assets.

Bitcoin Conversions, initially open to sole proprietors or single-member LLCs (except those in New York), is set to expand to more sellers soon. This initiative reinforces Block's mission to integrate Bitcoin into various platforms to increase accessibility and engagement with the digital currency.

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